Friday, September 24, 2010

The Value of Being Integrated

Working in Christian ministry at a university, I'm becoming increasingly convinced of the importance of being integrated in your faith. There is a real depth and maturity in Christians who do this. Part of this involves connecting what you believe with your actions. Chris has posted a quote on this that I also find challenging and exciting.
[T]here is no question in my mind that Christians would be considered even more odd than they are today by virtue of what they believe and the morality by which they live, and yet because they are fully engaged in each sphere of life as individuals and communities of character, they would serve as a credible and creditable conscience of the overlapping communities they inhabit. Odd, to be sure, but no one would deny that they do extraordinary good in the world. Neither would anyone doubt that they serve the cities and communities in which they live very well." - James Davison Hunter, The Other Journal.

You can read more here.

Also, this isn't really connected, but I think it is worth reading anyway: The Problem of Joy: A Review of Sufjan Stevens’s All Delighted People EP

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