Friday, June 05, 2009

Public Meeting Friday X

In recognition of Sunday being Trinity Sunday, this week's Public Meeting talk is Peter Jensen's 'This We Believe: The Trinity'. This was part of the EU's Book of the Year series in 2005 of talks on the EU's doctrinal statement. The 'This We' Believe' series was also part of the EU's 75th anniversary celebration.

The talk itself was great (although it did seem strangely familiar to anyone who has done Doctrine 1 in Moore's correspondence course). However, the recording is pretty dodgy...if you know of a way to fix it, please let me know.

Enjoy (if you have ears to endure):

This We Believe: The Trinity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry. My bad.
What is that screeching sound?
I can't remember where that had come from but it sounds like Carslaw.